Sunday, February 12, 2012

Bending Obamacare’s honesty curve downward - Dr. Milton R. Wolf, Washington Times

 This is from Barack Obama's cousin...

The Obamacare house of cards is crumbling before our eyes. The Obama administration’s signature piece of legislation brings a sixth of the U.S. economy under federal control, and the writing is on the wall: Obamacare will collapse under the weight of its own false promises. The only mystery left is whether we will allow America to go down with it.

The nonprofit and nonpartisan Kaiser Family Foundation recently released the results of a survey that shakes the president’s health care law right down to its core. Health insurance premiums rose in 2011 to more than $15,000 per family for the first time in American history. Not surprisingly, Obamacare itself is to blame for much of the increase. The forced requirement to include adult “children” on their parents’ insurance up to the age of 26, as just one example, contributed to 20 percent of the increase.
Before Obamacare, the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) projected annual health care spending would increase an average of 6.1 percent per year over the next decade. Despite the promises, after Obamacare passed, CMS recalculated its projections upward to 6.3 percent. Huh? Now the Kaiser survey shows that the actual results for the first year amounted to a 9 percent increase. Mr. Obama bent the cost curve all right - upward.
Read more at The Washington Times...

And a sample comment...

Democrats have long used the claim that 46 million people without health insurance is unacceptable but that is extremely misleading. The key is that they don't claim 46 million CITIZENS are without healthcare and they don't talk about percentages. If you look at the best case scenario:

308,000,000 U.S. population
46,000,000 people without healthcare

This means 85% of people already had healthcare and 15% did not. Democrats took away what was working for 85% of the population to give to the 15%.

Now, if you do a little math:

46,000,000 people without healthcare
- 31,000,000 non-citizens in the U.S.

=15,000,000 citizens without healthcare

This means 95% of CITIZENS had healthcare and 5% did not. Democrats took away healthcare from 95% of CITIZENS to give to the 5% and NON-CITIZENS, including illegal immigrants at a cost of $1 trillion to the taxpayers.

Does anyone see the HONESTY in the numbers provided by Democrats?

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