Saturday, February 18, 2012

White House economic report hides sharp drop in number of working Americans - Neil Munro, The DC

More on the number of unemployed who aren't being counted as unemployed. 

If you are out of work, have not been able to find a job, have given up on looking or have just run out of unemployment benefits, you aren't counted as being unemployed.

It's like you have simply disappeared from planet Earth, or moved to North Korea, which is pretty much the same thing.

The Obama Administration has deleted you from it's memory. You do not exist.

White House officials are trying to downplay the growing political damage caused by a shrinking federal statistic: the percentage of working-age Americans who actually have jobs.
The increasingly visible statistic shows that roughly 11 million working-age Americans are being excluded from the nation’s formal tally of 13.75 million unemployed Americans.
Democrats are touting downward ticks of the formal unemployment rate to 8.3 percent, but Republicans are making an increased effort to highlight the painfully low employment participation rate.

If there are 24.75 million Americans out of work, and the administration is only counting 13.75 million of them, and they claim an unemployment rate of 8.3%; they are about 4 percentage points short on their estimate.

While the recession may be officially and technically over, for those who have not been able to find work it has become a depression. 

And that's about 25 million depressed Americans...

Read more at The Daily Caller...

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