Sunday, December 18, 2011

35 Inconvenient Truths - Lord Monckton, Science And Public Policy

A bit old, but a good reminder...

The errors in Al
Gore’s movie

 A spokesman for Al Gore has issued a questionable response
to the news that in October 2007 the High Court in London had
identified nine “errors” in his movie An Inconvenient Truth. The judge
had stated that, if the UK Government had not agreed to send to every
secondary school in England a corrected guidance note making clear the
mainstream scientific position on these nine “errors”, he would have
made a finding that the Government’s distribution of the film and the
first draft of the guidance note earlier in 2007 to all English
secondary schools had been an unlawful contravention of an Act of
Parliament prohibiting the political indoctrination of children.
Al Gore’s spokesman and “environment advisor,” Ms. Kalee Kreider,
begins by saying that the film presented “thousands and thousands of
facts.” It did not: just 2,000 “facts” in 93 minutes would have been
one fact every three seconds. The film contained only a few dozen
points, most of which will be seen to have been substantially
inaccurate. The judge concentrated only on nine points which even the
UK Government, to which Gore is a climate-change advisor, had to admit
did not represent mainstream scientific opinion.
Ms. Kreider then states, incorrectly, that the judge himself had never
used the term “errors.” In fact, the judge used the term “errors,” in
inverted commas, throughout his judgment.

Next, Ms. Kreider makes some unjustifiable ad hominem attacks on Mr.
Stewart Dimmock, the lorry driver, school governor and father of two
school-age children who was the plaintiff in the case. This memorandum,
however, will eschew any ad hominem response, and will concentrate
exclusively on the 35 scientific inaccuracies and exaggerations in
Gore’s movie.

Ms. Kreider then says, “The process of creating a 90-minute documentary
from the original peer-reviewed science for an audience of moviegoers
in the U.S. and around the world is complex.” However, the single
web-page entitled “The Science” on the movie’s official website
contains only two references to articles in the peer-reviewed
scientific journals. There is also a reference to a document of the
IPCC, but its documents are not independently peer-reviewed in the
usual understanding of the term.

Ms. Kreider then says, “The judge stated clearly that he was not
attempting to perform an analysis of the scientific questions in his
ruling.” He did not need to. Each of the nine “errors” which he
identified had been admitted by the UK Government to be inconsistent
with the mainstream of scientific opinion.

Ms. Kreider says the IPCC’s results are sometimes “conservative,” and
continues: “Vice President Gore tried to convey in good faith those
threats that he views as the most serious.” Readers of the long list of
errors described in this memorandum will decide for themselves whether
Mr. Gore was acting in good faith. However, in this connection it is
significant that each of the 35 errors listed below misstates the
conclusions of the scientific literature or states that there is a
threat where there is none or exaggerates the threat where there may be
one. All of the errors point in one direction – towards undue alarmism.
Not one of the errors falls in the direction of underestimating the
degree of concern in the scientific community. The likelihood that all
35 of the errors listed below could have fallen in one direction purely
by inadvertence is less than 1 in 34 billion.

We now itemize 35 of the scientific errors and exaggerations in Al
Gore’s movie. The first nine were listed by the judge in the High Court
in London in October 2007 as being “errors.” The remaining 26 errors
are just as inaccurate or exaggerated as the nine spelt out by the
judge, who made it plain during the proceedings that the Court had not
had time to consider more than these few errors. The judge found these
errors serious enough to require the UK Government to pay substantial
costs to the plaintiff

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